
The Business/Conference visa applies to foreign nationals who wish to travel to Iran on official business, trade negotiations, participation in seminars/conferences (economic, cultural, etc.), work related issues, 0r for sports activities. Applying for this visa can be done through consulates and the consular sections of all Embassies of the IRI.


Requirements and regulations:

a) applying without an invitation letter


a) 无邀请信申请

1. Presence of the visa applicant and submitting the original passport that is valid for at least 6 months from the date of application, & contains a minimum of two blank pages void of any stamps.

2. Filling out and signing 2 copies of the respective visa application form.

3. Application forms must be well legible and not contain any scribbles and scrawls.

4. In case the applicant is willing to also apply for his 0r her spouse and children as companions in the passport, s/he must fully include their accurate personal details in the application form.





5. The personal details and identification photos of the spouse and children (under 18) who will accompany the traveler must be inscribed in the applicants passport in advance.

6. 2 6x4cm passport photos taken within the past six month, (Including a full face, front view, open eyes, without a hat, glasses 0r neck scarves), for the applicant and each of his/her family members accompanying him/her.



7. Submitting the original recommendation letter issued by the respective sponsoring company in Iran.

8. The application fees for individuals of American, British, and Canadian nationality will be expected at the time of submitting the form and required documents for the visa application, and are not reimbursable in the event of their visas being rejected.

9. Visa application Fees for German nationals are also expected at the time of submitting the form and required documents for the visa application, however in the event of their visas being rejected, a half of the fees will be reimbursable.




10. The Original copy as well as a photocopy of the individuals Chinese residence permit card

11. A copy of passports page/s in which the personal details are shown

12. The Original and a photocopy of Insurance card.






a. The government of IRI reserves its rights regarding the issuance of visa 0r otherwise, for the foreign national applicants as well as demanding of documents and other records relevant to the process.

b. After having received and reviewed the full set of documents and papers, the consular officer will notify the applicant about the receipt and indicate the date and time for the applicant to come back for further proceedings of the application process.

c. Upon the receipt of the visa, the applicant should carefully examine correctness of the details inscribed on the document, regarding the nature of stay, dates and so on, and contact the consular officer in case of any mistakes having occurred in the visa prepared for the individual.

d. The holder of visa should carefully observe the exact dates stipulated in his/her visa, and ensure that the arrival and departure to and from the country fully corresponds to the dates figured in the visa.

e. A stay any longer than the period stated in applicants issued visa, is illegal according to the laws of the IRI.

f. In the event that the applicant intends to prolong his/her visit to the IRI , regardless of the basis, s/he is required to refer to the Department of Foreign Nationals affairs of the IRI and to request an extension of their permitted stay as indicated in their visa.

g. Subsequent to entering the territory of the IRI, the holder of the visa is obligated to abide by its laws and regulations.

A. 伊朗政府保留为外国人签发或拒发签证、以及索要材料和其他相关记录的权利。

B. 收到并审查整套材料文件后,领事官员将通知申请者已收到材料,并告知申请者前来完成下一步审理程序的日期和时间。

C. 收到签证后,申请者应仔细核查签证信息,包括签证类型、日期等,如发现任何错误,请与领事官员联系。

D. 签证持有人应仔细查看其签证规定的确切日期,按照签证上的日期规定安排抵达和离开时间。


F. 如申请者希望延长其在伊朗的访问时间,不管延长多久,均需到伊朗外国侨民事务部申请。

G. 一旦进入伊朗领土,签证持有者有义务遵守其法律和法规。


b) Applying with an invitation letter

In case the inviting Iranian host companies and organizations are willing to request an invitation for a foreign national invitee to travel to the IRI, they must proceed according to the following procedure. It is noteworthy that careful observation of these steps will save you the hassle of unnecessary and often time consuming visits to various offices and organizations.

b) 有邀请信申请


Required documents:


1. A copy of Form no.1 filled out by the host company/organization.(NB: This document must include the signature and stamp of the respective company/organizations CEO 0r another staff of equal authority in the facility, as well as the date and reference number by organization.)

2. A copy of Form no.2 filled out by the same host company/organization and in a manner identical to form no.1 as explained above. (using the same date and ref no.)

3. Photocopy of the notice of the organization/company foundation as printed in a formal newspaper, 0r a Business Card.




How to apply


a. Having filled out Form no.1, the host company 0r organization should then attach this document to either a photocopy of the newspaper notice, 0r the business card to a formal letter requesting for visa issuance, and fax them to an to embassy/consulate/Interests Section of the IRI in the relevant country.

b. The host company/organization should then transfer the filled out Form no.2 via fax 0r the World Wide Web to the foreign counterpart (the invitee).

a. 邀请方公司或组织填完表格1后,连同报刊通知复印件或名片、一份正式要求签证签发的信函发送传真到伊朗驻相关国家的使馆、领事馆或相关机构。

b. 然后,邀请方公司或组织通过传真或网络将表格2发给国外机构(被邀请方)。

c. Having collected Form no.2, and made the appropriate correspondence and in-advance arrangements, the invitee should include, on top of the Form(which form?), the rest of the documents described in section 4/1(Applyingwithout an invitation letter), and refer to any embassy/consulate/Interests Section of the IRI in the relevant country.

c. 被邀请方在获得表格2,做好通信联络及相关安排后,带齐所有4/1规定的材料(无邀请函申请),到指定伊朗驻相关国家的使馆、领事馆或相关机构办理。

Both Forms no.1 & no.2 as well as the visa requisition letter must all contain identical dates and reference numbers.





a. The government of IRI reserves its rights regarding the issuance of visa 0r otherwise, for the foreign national applicants as well as demanding of documents and other records relevant to the process.

b. After having received and reviewed the full set of documents and papers, the consular officer will notify the applicant about the receipt and indicate the date and time for the applicant to come back for further proceedings of the application process.

c. Upon the receipt of the visa, the applicant should carefully examine correctness of the details inscribed on the document, regarding the nature of stay, dates and so on, and contact the consular officer in case of any mistakes having occurred in the visa prepared for the individual.

d. The holder of visa should carefully observe the exact dates stipulated in his/her visa, and ensure that the arrival and departure to and from the country fully corresponds to the dates figured in the visa.

e. A stay any longer than the period stated in applicants issued visa, is illegal according to the laws of the IRI.

f. In the event that the applicant intends to prolong his/her visit to the IRI , regardless of the basis, s/he is required to refer to the Department of Foreign Nationals affairs of the IRI and to request an extension of their permitted stay as indicated in their visa.

g. Subsequent to entering the territory of the IRI, the holder of the visa is obligated to abide by its laws and regulations.

A. 伊朗政府保留为外国人签发或拒发签证、以及索要材料及其他相关记录的权利。

B. 收到并审查整套材料文件后,领事官员将通知申请者已收到材料,并告知申请者前来完成下一步审理程序的日期和时间。

C. 收到签证后,申请者应仔细核查签证信息,包括签证类型、日期等,如发现任何错误,请与领事官员联系。

D. 签证持有人应仔细查看其签证规定的确切日期,按照签证上的日期规定安排抵达和离开时间。


F. 如申请者希望延长其在伊朗的访问时间,不管延长多久,均需到伊朗外国侨民事务部申请。

G. 一旦进入伊朗领土,签证持有者有义务遵守其法律和法规。